eBay vs Poshmark: Which One is Better for Selling?

 eBay vs Poshmark: lady selling clothes online

Choosing the right platform for selling your items online can be tricky.

eBay and Poshmark are two popular options, each with its own set of features, benefits, and drawbacks.

This article will help you understand the differences between eBay and Poshmark, so you can decide which one is better for your selling needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Poshmark focuses on community and social interactions, making it unique among online marketplaces.
  • eBay offers more flexibility and options for sellers, including international shipping and varied promotional tools.
  • Poshmark has higher fees but a more streamlined and user-friendly process for listing items.
  • eBay's listing process is more detailed and can be time-consuming, but it offers lower overall fees.
  • Both platforms cater to different types of sellers and buyers, so your choice depends on what you're selling and who your target audience is.


eBay vs Poshmark: An Overview of Both Platforms

When deciding between eBay vs Poshmark, it's important to understand the unique features and benefits of each platform. Both are popular choices for selling second-hand items, but they cater to different audiences and offer distinct selling experiences.

eBay is a well-established online marketplace that allows you to sell almost anything, from clothes to electronics. It has a global reach, meaning you can sell to buyers all over the world. eBay offers various selling options, including auctions and fixed-price listings, giving you flexibility in how you sell your items. However, the listing process can be detailed and time-consuming.

Poshmark, on the other hand, focuses primarily on fashion and accessories. It's a community-driven platform where you can interact with buyers through comments and live streams. The listing process on Poshmark is easy and there’s no need to use a computer; you can do everything through the Poshmark app. However, Poshmark is limited to domestic sales within the US and has a more structured selling experience.

When comparing Poshmark vs eBay, consider what you’re selling and where you want to sell to. Poshmark is great for fashion items and a community feel, while eBay offers more flexibility and a broader audience.

Here's a quick comparison of the two platforms:

Feature eBay Poshmark
Primary Focus Variety of items Fashion and accessories
Global Reach Yes No
Listing Process Detailed and time-consuming Easy and quick
Community Interaction Limited High
Selling Options Auctions, fixed-price Fixed-price only
Shipping Flexible Posh Post labels only


Deciding between Poshmark or eBay depends on your specific needs as a seller. If you want a simple, community-focused platform for fashion items, Poshmark is a great choice. If you need more flexibility and a global audience, eBay might be the better option.

Listing Process: How to Sell on eBay and Poshmark

When you want to sell items online, understanding the listing process on each platform is crucial. Here's a breakdown of how to list and sell on eBay and Poshmark.

How to List on eBay

  1. Create an Account: First, you need to sign up for an eBay account if you don't already have one.
  2. Start a Listing: Click on the 'Sell' button to begin your eBay listing. You'll need to provide details about the item, including title, description, and category.
  3. Add Photos: Upload clear, high-quality photos of your item. eBay allows up to 12 photos per listing.
  4. Set Your Price: Decide whether you want to sell your item via auction or as a 'Buy It Now' listing. Set your starting bid or fixed price accordingly.
  5. Shipping Details: Enter shipping options and costs. You can choose to offer free shipping or charge a fee.
  6. Review and List: Double-check all the details and click 'List Item' to make your item available for sale.

How to List on Poshmark

  1. Download the App: Poshmark is primarily app-based, so download it on your smartphone.
  2. Create an Account: Sign up for a Poshmark account if you don't have one.
  3. Start a Listing: Tap on the 'Sell' button in the app. You'll need to take photos of your item directly through the app or upload them from your phone.
  4. Add Details: Fill in the title, description, category, size, brand, and price of your item.
  5. Set Your Price: Poshmark suggests a price based on similar items, but you can set your own.
  6. Share Your Listing: Once your listing is live, share it within the Poshmark community to increase visibility.
Listing on Poshmark is more straightforward and social, while eBay offers more detailed options but can be time-consuming.

Whether you choose to sell on Poshmark or eBay, both platforms offer unique features that cater to different selling needs. If you’re planning to sell a variety of items, eBay might be the best place to sell. However, if you’re selling fashion items, Poshmark could be the better option.

Target Audience: Understanding Buyers on Each Platform

eBay and Poshmark logos with shopping cart icon

When deciding between eBay and Poshmark, it's crucial to understand the target audience each platform attracts. This can significantly impact your success as a seller.

eBay's Buyer Demographics

eBay has been around since 1995 and has a broad and diverse user base. People come to eBay looking for deals, unique items, and hard-to-find collectibles. The typical eBay buyer is often willing to haggle and participate in auctions to get the best price. This platform is ideal if you're selling a wide variety of items, from electronics, sports cards to vintage magazines.

Poshmark's Buyer Demographics

Poshmark, founded in 2011, initially focused on secondhand fashion but has since expanded to include home décor, electronics, and beauty products. The platform attracts a younger, fashion-forward audience interested in luxury and designer items. Poshmark buyers appreciate the social aspect of the platform, engaging with sellers through comments and live streams.

Choosing the right platform can make a big difference in your selling experience. Consider who your ideal buyer is and what they are looking for.

Key Differences

  • eBay: Broad audience, ideal for various items, including collectibles and electronics.
  • Poshmark: Younger, fashion-focused audience, great for luxury and designer items.

Understanding these differences can help you decide which platform you choose to maximize your sales potential.

Selling Fees: Comparing Costs for Sellers

When you're planning to sell on eBay or Poshmark, understanding the selling fees is crucial. Both platforms have different fee structures that can impact your profit margins. Here's a breakdown to help you decide which platform might be better for you.

eBay Fees

On eBay, you have two main types of fees: the insertion fee and the final value fee. If you're a non-store seller, you get 200 free listings per month. After that, you'll pay a fee for each additional listing. The final value fee is a percentage of the total sale price, including shipping cost. This fee varies by category but is generally around 12.55%.

Here's a quick table to summarize eBay fees:

Fee Type Cost
Insertion Fee Free for first 200 listings per month
Final Value Fee Around 12.55% of the total sale price
Payment Processing Fee 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction


Poshmark Fees

Poshmark keeps it simple. Listings are free, and you only pay a fee when you make a sale. For sales under $15, the fee is a flat $2.95. For sales over $15, the fee is 20% of the sale price. This straightforward approach makes it easier to know what you'll pay upfront.

Here's a quick table to summarize Poshmark fees:

Fee Type Cost
Listing Fee Free
Sales Fee $2.95 for sales under $15, 20% for sales over $15
Important: Poshmark's fees are higher, but they are more transparent. You know exactly what you'll pay when you make a sale.

Which is Better?

If you're selling a high volume of items, eBay's lower fees might be more appealing. However, if you prefer a simpler, more transparent fee structure, Poshmark could be the better choice. Ultimately, the best platform for you will depend on what you're selling and how much you're planning to sell.

Shipping Policies: eBay and Poshmark Approaches

When it comes to shipping, eBay and Poshmark have different approaches that cater to various seller needs.

eBay Shipping

On eBay, you have a lot of flexibility. You can choose from different carriers and shipping methods. eBay encourages sellers to include shipping costs in the item price to offer free shipping. This can attract more buyers. You can use eBay’s shipping calculator to estimate costs. However, sellers need to factor in shipping methods accurately calculate shipping costs, and clearly define return policies, all of which can add complexity.


Poshmark Shipping

Poshmark makes shipping simple. They provide a flat rate of $7.11 for orders up to 5 lbs, paid by the buyer. If the package is heavier, the seller covers the extra cost. Poshmark uses USPS Priority Mail, which usually takes 1-3 days. They also send you a prepaid, pre-addressed label, making the process hassle-free.

Poshmark's straightforward shipping process is ideal for those who prefer simplicity over flexibility.

In summary, if you want more control and options, eBay offers that. But if you prefer a simple, no-fuss approach, Poshmark is the way to go.

Payment and Payout Systems

When it comes to getting paid, both eBay and Poshmark have their own systems. Understanding these can help you decide which platform suits your needs better.

eBay Payment System

On eBay, the payment process can vary. After a sale, you might have to wait for the buyer to pay. If they use PayPal, the payment is usually immediate. However, if they use a credit or debit card, it might take a bit longer as it goes through the PayPal gateway first. Once the funds are in your PayPal account, you can either do an instant deposit (with a 1% fee) or a regular withdrawal to your bank account, which usually takes 1-2 days.

Poshmark Payment System

Poshmark offers a more streamlined payment process. When a buyer makes a purchase, the payment is processed right away. The buyer has three days to accept the item, after which the payment is automatically approved. You can then withdraw your earnings via direct deposit to your bank account, or use third-party services like PayPal or Venmo, though these might incur a fee.

Poshmark's immediate payment processing can be a big advantage if you need quick access to your funds.

Key Differences

  • Speed: Poshmark processes payments faster, while eBay's speed depends on the buyer's payment method.
  • Flexibility: eBay offers more flexibility with payment methods, including PayPal and credit/debit cards.
  • Fees: Both platforms may have fees for certain withdrawal methods, like instant deposits on PayPal.

Understanding these differences can help you choose the platform that best fits your selling needs.

Marketing and Promotion Tools for Sellers

When it comes to marketing and promotion tools, both eBay and Poshmark offer unique features to help you sell items more effectively. However, the depth and variety of these tools can vary significantly between the two platforms.

eBay's Marketing Tools

On eBay, sellers have access to a wide range of promotional tools designed to increase visibility and boost sales. Some of the key tools include:

  • Promoted Listings: This feature allows you to pay for better placement in search results, making your items more visible to potential buyers.
  • Markdown Manager: You can create sales and discounts to attract more buyers. This is especially useful during holiday seasons or special events.
  • eBay Stores: If you subscribe to an eBay Store, you get additional promotional tools like email marketing and special listing designs.
  • Social Media Integration: eBay allows you to share your listings on social media platforms, helping you reach a broader audience.

Poshmark's Promotion Tools

Poshmark takes a different approach to marketing and promotion. While it may not offer as many tools as eBay, it has some unique features tailored for its community-focused marketplace:

  • Promoted Closet: This is a weeklong PPC ad campaign where Poshmark decides which of your listings to promote based on your budget.
  • Posh Parties: These are themed sales events where you can share your listings to a broader audience. It's a great way to get more eyes on your items.
  • Offers to Likers: You can send special offers to users who have liked your items, encouraging them to make a purchase.
  • Closet Clear Out: During these events, Poshmark notifies potential buyers that prices have dropped, creating a sense of urgency to buy.
For sellers looking to grow their business, eBay's extensive marketing tools offer more flexibility and options. However, if you're a casual seller, Poshmark's community-focused features can be very effective.

In summary, both platforms offer valuable tools to help you market and promote your listings. Your choice will depend on your specific needs and selling goals.

Niche Specialization: Fashion on Poshmark vs Variety on eBay

When it comes to niche specialization, Poshmark and eBay cater to different markets. Poshmark is primarily known for selling clothes, accessories, and other fashion items. This makes it a go-to platform for buyers looking for secondhand or vintage fashion pieces. On the other hand, eBay offers a much broader range of products, from electronics to collectibles, making it a versatile marketplace for almost anything you want to sell.

Poshmark's focus on fashion means that sellers can easily find buyers interested in clothing and accessories. The platform is designed to make listing fashion items quick and straightforward, which is a big plus if you're selling clothes. However, Poshmark's limitations can be a drawback if you want to expand your business beyond fashion.

eBay, with its vast array of categories, allows sellers to list a wide variety of items. This makes it easier to scale your business and reach a larger audience. Whether you're selling clothes, electronics, or household items, eBay provides the tools and flexibility to grow your business. However, the listing process on eBay can be more time-consuming due to the many fields you need to fill out.

If you're looking to specialize in fashion, Poshmark is a great choice. But if you want the flexibility to sell a variety of items, eBay might be the better option.

In summary, the choice between Poshmark and eBay depends on what you're selling and how you want to grow your business. Poshmark is excellent for fashion-focused sellers, while eBay offers more opportunities for those looking to sell a diverse range of products.

The Mercari Factor: A Brief Comparison

When considering where to sell your items, it's essential to look at all your options. Mercari is another popular platform that often gets compared to eBay and Poshmark. Here's a quick look at how Mercari stacks up to eBay.

Selling Fees

  • eBay: 50 free listings, then up to $0.35 per listing and around 12.55% final value fee once an item sells. This varies by category and store subscription.
  • Poshmark: Free to list. Charges 20% or $2.95 for items $15 and under once the item sells.
  • Mercari: Free to list. Charges a 10% fee plus a 2.9% + $0.30 processing fee.

Winner: Mercari. The fees are the lowest and easiest to predict.

Potential Buyers

  • eBay: Over 180 million users.
  • Poshmark: Around 40 million users.
  • Mercari: Over 100 million downloads worldwide.

Winner: eBay. It has the largest customer base.

Listing Process

  • eBay: Listing can be tedious and time-consuming. Best done on a computer.
  • Poshmark: Easy with many fields to fill out.
  • Mercari: The easiest of all. Quick listing with fewer fields.

Winner: Mercari. Poshmark is a close second.


  • eBay: Offers calculated shipping and various options, but can be confusing.
  • Poshmark: Flat $7.11 for up to 5 lbs. Easy for both buyers and sellers.
  • Mercari: Offers various options, including free shipping (seller pays) or buyer-paid shipping.

Winner: Poshmark. It's the easiest to figure out for both buyers and sellers.

When choosing a platform, consider your needs and priorities. If you want the lowest fees, Mercari is a great choice. If you need a large customer base, eBay is the way to go. For ease of use, Poshmark and Mercari are both excellent options.

In summary, Mercari offers a balance of low fees and ease of use, making it a strong contender when compared to eBay and Poshmark.


When deciding between eBay and Poshmark, it really comes down to what you need as a seller. Poshmark is great if you want a simple, community-focused platform that's easy to use, especially for selling fashion items.

It's perfect for those who enjoy interacting with buyers and don't mind the higher fees for the convenience it offers. On the other hand, eBay provides a broader marketplace with more tools and options for growth. It's ideal for sellers looking to reach a global audience and sell a wider variety of items.

While eBay's listing process can be more complex, it offers lower fees and more flexibility. Ultimately, the best platform for you depends on your selling goals and the type of items you're offering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Poshmark different from eBay?

Poshmark focuses on a community-driven experience with lots of interaction between buyers and sellers. eBay, on the other hand, is a larger marketplace where you can sell almost anything to a global audience.

How do the listing processes compare between eBay and Poshmark?

Poshmark's listing process is simpler and quicker, mostly done through their app. eBay's process is more detailed and can take longer, but offers more customization options.

What are the fees for selling on eBay and Poshmark?

Poshmark charges a flat fee of $2.95 for sales under $15 and 20% for sales over $15. eBay's fees vary but are generally lower, with a 10% sales fee plus a 3% PayPal fee.

How does shipping work on eBay and Poshmark?

On Poshmark, sellers use Posh Post shipping labels and buyers pay for shipping. eBay offers flexible shipping options, and either the buyer or seller can cover the shipping costs.

Who are the main buyers on eBay and Poshmark?

eBay attracts a broader audience, including Gen X and Baby Boomers, and sells a wide variety of items. Poshmark mainly attracts Millennials and Gen Z, focusing on fashion items.

Which platform is better for scaling a business?

eBay offers more tools and options for growing a business, including international sales and various promotional tools. Poshmark is more limited and better suited for casual sellers.

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